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>> 2017 - 2021




"right permanent titanised" by Prof Gretchen Lindenlohe Germany 

Contemporary Soup Livestyle Fashion Food TV Show

" Relief  for  Utopia "book Japan Germany  

>> 2016

eXchange RED ARTISTSX  states in photography Galerie Klaus Benden Cologne Germany

eXchange RED ARTISTSX  Banjul The Gambia

eXchange RED ARTISTSX  Le Manoire Dakar Sengal

eXchange RED ARTISTSX  Charly Dakar Sengal

expect // everything # 1 Mucca31 Munich Germany


>> 2015

"Summer collection 2015" Awakening - Quellanertaufe "Quelle Areal Nuernberg Germany

"Senses" "Awakening - Source Baptism" Gallery Today Nuremberg Germany

"Artist in Residence" Galerie Flox Kirschau Germany


>> 2014

“Summer Collection” presentation with the Quell collective Quelle Areal Nuernberg Germany


>> 2013

"Quellaner Showroom" La Piazza Quelle Areal Nürnberg Germany

"Julia Stoschek Collection Terminal" Gallery Postwurf Chris Weiss on Quelleareal Nuremberg Düsseldorf Berlin Germany

“Quellaner Taufe” showroom on Quelleareal Nürnberg Germany

“Open to AEG” “We are Back Moirestructures” installation with 800 bionade boxes Leather & White

“Open to AEG” “Awakening” presentation with source collective on AEG area Nuernberg Germany

“Summer Collection” presentation with the Quell collective on the Quelle area in Nuernberg Germany


>> 2012

"White island project", gallery de Arte BULLIT DE BLAU IBIZA Spain

"White island project" presented at 21 Galleries Munich Germany


>> 2011

“White island project” Ibiza Japan Fukoskima Charity, Ushuaia Hotel Ibiza  Spain

"White island project" Ibiza Japan Fukoskima Charity,  Blue Marlin Ibiza Ibiza  Spain

"White island project" Galerie Art Fürth Germany

"Made in"  ON AEG  Annegret and Tom Leather Nürnberg Germany

>! <Children's wedding  Annegret  and Tom Leather, Nordkurve Nürnberg Germany


>> 2010

>> Tom Leather <<  Moldova  baptized in Prague Chechoslovakia

Academy Award 2010 “Office P18 ” as external Nuremberg Germany

On AEG, "Laufender Kunstbetrieb" together with Annegret Leather Nürnberg Germany

“Goldene Strasse” city museum together with Prof Manfred Dinnes Amberg Germany

"Goldene Strasse" together with Prof Manfred Dinnes Wernberg Germany

“Goldene Strasse” Kraftscher Hof Nürnberg together with Prof Manfred Dinnes Germany


>> 2009 

"Golden Camera Awards" from "UKIYO Camera Systems"  for border areas of photography Germany

" Star hail blue "  blue night Nuremberg Germany's largest beer crate sculpture,

5,000 crates of beer as a double star labyrinth from Büro Leather & Weiss Germany

Art days 2009 together with Prof Manfred Dinnes St. Johann  Germany

"Eye Motion" permanent video installation Lounge Indabahn Club, Nuremberg Germany

"Dots II" public purchase, Asn head office Nuremberg Germany

“Core” gallery Destillarta from Enter.National.Affairs with  Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann Rosstal Germany


>> 2008

Master student of professor  Ottmar Hörl , President of the AdBK Nürnberg Germany

Tom Neumeier Leather and  Chris Weiss  are  Assistants  the art and public space class 

the consuls general of the Venice Biennale to the professors  Böttger and Bories  Italy

You lead the project "Conflict Action Research Program" CRAP

Project plays at the same time: 

Annual exhibition  Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg

ZKM  Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and Academy Gallery Nuremberg, Germany

Neumeier Leather office  and Weiss curate artists from the AdbK Nürnberg:

Martin Fürbringer | Dr. Andrea Spreafico | Neila Dalkilic | Nicola Henze | Peter Wendl l Michl Schmidt | Christoph Straube | Ludwig Olah | Kim | Jini | Anja Schöller | Kerstin Polzin | Jakob Friedl Nürnberg, founding of "enter.national.affairs" annual exhibition AdbK Neumeier Leather  and white

Photography "India Documentation" annual exhibition AdBK Nuremberg

Center for Art and Media Technology  Karlsruhe  CRAP, ZKM Germany

Kunsträume Bayern with the intervention installation “Brain Fuck” by “enter: national.affairs” Ingolstadt Germany

"B-Picture Award" with  Dr. Günter Beckstein , enter: national.affairs Nürnberg Germany


>> 2007

"Albrecht Dürer's grave throw", that's how death smells,  New Museum Nuremberg Germany

"Light drawings", Galerie Leerer Beutel Regensburg Germany

"Gapless", Tom Zeitler and Tom Leather, showcase at HBF Nürnberg Germany

Photography "states of suspension",  Art Cologne  Gallery Benden Klimzack Germany

Photography performance Nuremberg (Lorenzkirche, Weisser Turm, pedestrian zone, Hauptmarkt Erlangen Germany Fürth) “Given” sponsored by Mondays foundations, one week 180sqm seven  Advertising vehicles with fourteen portraits EXTRA large formats move through the city performatively and show an exhibition for everyone.

supported by 14 students from the Nuremberg Academy and Prof. Thomas Rentmeister

Stuttgart Photography "Human White", Galerie Abtart Germany


>> 2006

“Shipproject a38” “Class Academy Award” Prof. Georg Winter Budapest Hungary

Multiple sculpture "aestetic mesurement one", Gallery Artbox Frankfurt am Main Germany

Photography "dots" Urban purchase,  ASN head office  Nuremberg Germany

Photographs and sculptures "summer exhibition" Kunstraum Weigl Maxhütte Germany

"Migration as an escape object"  Performative sculpture with " forschungsgruppe_f" project Swiss  Zurich Shedhalle Rote Fabrik

1000 years  Diocese of Bamberg , architectural photography, traveling exhibition Nuremberg Bamberg Germany


>> 2005

Winner of the PPL Photo Award 2005 Karlsruhe Germany

Photography “light nights” Fürth Europa Art Hotel, Germany

Class Hörl "drawing" Motorola head office Wiesbaden Germany

Sculpture 4x4 m high "Nuremberg funnel" at Erlangen Kirchnerpark

that causes two mayors  for the first time  constantly listening to “acoustic thought model”, Germany

Annual exhibition AdbK Nürnberg Installation “my bock” Germany

Photography and sculpture, Galerie k2h Regensburg Germany

Documentary, "Relief Action for Romania" Bistritz Romania

Establishment of the Neumeier and Weiss Munich office Maximilianstrasse Germany

" Josef Beuys Demo ", Prof. Georg Winter Project, Documentation Munich Germany


>> 2004

Light painting, gallery for degenerate art Nuremberg Germany

Photography on industrial culture "Hafenbild", annual exhibition AdBK Nürnberg Germany

"Glamor Performance" with M. Weigl Schloss der  Princess of Thurn and Taxis , Regensburg Germany

photograph  in the Lorenzo Regensburg  Germany

Photograph “The Burning Dornbush”, Schwabach Galerie Bürgerhaus Germany


>> * 1976 

Tom Neumeier-Leather: Born 1976 in Regensburg, Bavaria. Visual artist and fashion photographer, television cameraman (BR); Master student of Prof Ottmar Hörl, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg. Known for international and national photography and art projects. Works are in private and public collections. 

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